1 Praise ye the Lord; 'Tis good to raise
Our Hearts and Voices in his Praise;
His Nature and his Works invite
To make this Duty our delight.
2 He form'd the Stars, those heavenly Flames;
He counts their Numbers, calls their Names;
His Wisdom's vast, and knows no Bound,
A deep where all our Thoughts are drown'd.
3 Great is our Lord, and great his Might;
And all his Glory's infinite:
He crowns the Meek, rewards the Just,
And treads the Wicked to the Dust.
4 Sing to the Lord, exalt him high,
Who spreads his Clouds all round the Sky;
There he prepares the fruitful Rain,
Nor lets the Drops descend in vain.
5 He makes the Grass the Hills adorn;
And cloathes the smiling Fields with Corn;
The Beasts with Food his Hands supply,
And the young Ravens when they cry.
6 What is the Creature's Skill or Force?
The sprightly Man the warlike Horse?
The nimble Wit, the active Limb?
All are too mean Delights for him.
7 But Saints are lovely in his Sight;
He views his Children with Delight;
He sees their Hope, he knows their Fear,
And looks and loves his Image there.
8 Praise God from whom all Blessings flow,
Praise him all Creatures here below;
Praise him above, ye heavenly Host
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Text Information | |
First Line: | Praise ye the Lord; 'Tis good to raise |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1737 |
Scripture: | |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |