1 My Soul before Thee prostrate lies;
To thee, her Source my Spirit flies;
My Wants I mourn, my Chains I see
O let Thy Presence set me free!
2 Lost and undone for aid I cry,
In thy Death, Saviour, let me die
Griev'd with thy Grief, pain'd with thy Pain,
Ne'er may I feel Self-Love again.
3 Jesus, vouchsafe my Heart and Will
With thy meek Lowliness to fill;
No more her Power let Nature boast,
But in thy Will may mine be lost!
4 I feel well that I love thee, Lord;
I exercise me in thy word;
Yet vile Affections claim a part
And thou hast only half my Heart.
5 In Life's short Day let me yet move
Of thy enlivening Power implore;
My Mind must deeper sink in thee;
My Foot stand firm, from wand'ring free.
6 Ye sons of men, here nought avails
Your Strength, here all your Wisdom fails;
Who bids a sinful Heart be clean?
Thou only, Lord, supreme of Men.
7 And well I know thy tender Love;
Thou never didst unfaithful prove;
And well I know thou stand'st by me,
Pleas'd from my self to set me free.
8 Still I do watch and labour still
to banish every Thought of ill;
Till thou in thy good Time appear
And sav'st me from the Fowler's snare.
9 Already springing Hope I feel;
God will destroy the Power of Hell;
God from the Land of Wars and Pain,
Leads me, where Oeace and Safety reign.
10 One only care my Soul shall know,
Father, all thy Commands to do;
Ah deep engrave it on my Brest,
That I in thee ev'n now am blest.
11 When my warm'd Thoughts I fix on thee
And plunge me in thy Mercie's Sea,
Then ev'n on me thy Face shall shine
And quicken this dead Heart of Mine.
12 So ev'n in Storms my Zeal shall grow,
So shall I thy hid Sweetness know,
And feel (what endless Age shall prove)
That thou, my Lord, my God art Love!