1 Why do the people rage,
Devising frantic things?
Why do the kings of earth engage
Against the King of kings?
"Come, let us burst His yoke," they say,
"And cast His hateful bonds away!"
2 God on His heavenly throne
Laughs at their impious aims;
He made the nations for His own,
And thus His will proclaims,
"On Zion’s hill My King shall sit;
Perish, ye rebels, or submit!"
3 "Ere time its course began
I issued My decree,
This day, My Son, the Son of Man,
Have I begotten Thee.
To Thee the world and all that live,
Thy blood-bought heritage, I give!"
4 Hear then, ye monarchs, hear!
Ye great, a Greater own!
Bow down with holy joy and fear
Before Messiah’s throne!
Upon Him life and death depend;
O blest who find in Christ a friend!