1 Shall foolish, weak, short-sighted man
Beyond archangels go,
The great Almighty God explain,
Or to perfection know?
His attributes divinely soar
Above the creature’s sight,
And prostrate seraphim adore
The glorious Infinite.
2 Jehovah’s everlasting days,
They cannot numbered be;
Incomprehensible the space
Of Thine immensity;
Thy wisdom’s depths by reason’s line
In vain we strive to sound,
Or stretch our laboring thought to assign
Omnipotence a bound.
3 The brightness of Thy glories leave
Description far below;
Nor man, nor angel’s heart conceives
How deep Thy mercies flow;
Thy love is most unsearchable,
And dazzles all above;
They gaze, but cannot count or tell
The treasures of Thy love!