1 Who came down from Heav’n above?
Jesus Christ, our blessèd Lord.
Who was God’s best gift of love?
Jesus Christ, our blessèd Lord.
Christ was born at Bethlehem;
Wise men, living far away,
Saw His star, which guided them
To the manger where He lay.
2 Who was scourged and crucified?
Jesus Christ, our blessèd Lord.
Who for guilty sinners died?
Jesus Christ, our blessèd Lord.
Christ atoned for all our guilt
On the cross of Calvary;
There His precious blood was spilt;
There He died to make us free.
3 Who in Joseph’s tomb had lain?
Jesus Christ, our blessèd Lord.
Who in triumph rose again?
Jesus Christ, our blessèd Lord.
In the tomb the Savior lay
While the angel watched the door,
Till the morn of the third day,
When He rose to die no more.
4 Who ascended into Heav’n?
Jesus Christ, our blessèd Lord.
Who eternal life has giv’n?
Jesus Christ, our blessèd Lord.
Christ is fitting up our home
In His Father’s house on high;
If we love Him, He will come
And transport us to the sky.