1 O Lamb of God, in mercy hear;
Thy voice the broken heart can cheer:
O Lord, beyond expression
Is our sin and transgression:
Yet higher still Thy grace doth rise,
Thou once Thyself our sacrifice.
We sinners life inherit
Through Thy all powerful merit.
Thy death obtained for us release—
Thy sorrows our eternal peace.
Brought forth from darkness into light,
Passed is the deep and awful night:
We are to hope redeemèd.
2 Henceforth preserve us ever Thine;
Around our path, O Savior! shine:
O come, with peace descending—
Peace ever Thee attending.
Our hearts anew Thy temple’s frame,
All hallowed to Thy glorious name:
Where all was desolation
Raise up Thy new creation.
Let all within be lowliness;
Our spirits with Thy Spirit bless:
So evermore in us abide;
Thy grace in us be glorified,
O Lamb of God! our Savior!