1 At the grave where Christ lay sleeping,
In the arms of death’s embrace,
Roman wards their watch were keeping,
As the night wore on apace;
Where in majesty descending,
Came an angel from the throne,
At the tomb of Joseph bending,
Rolled away the ponderous stone.
2 Lo! the grave is rent asunder,
And the watchers are as dead;
Heav’n and earth beheld, in wonder,
Death in chains a captive led:
Angels, robed in white, are saying,
He is ris’n, He is not here:
Christ, the call to life obeying,
Thrills the world with hope and cheer.
3 Re-ascend, O King victorious,
Take again Thy royal throne;
There in Heav’n to rule all glorious,
Till the earth becomes Thine own:
Foes may hate Thee, they can never
Overthrow Thy righteous sway;
Thine shall be the kingdom ever,
In the realms of perfect day.