1 Sweetly sing, sweetly sing,
Praises to our heavenly king;
Let us raise, let us raise,
High our note of praise;
Praise to Him whose name is Love,
Praise to Him who reigns above;
Raise your songs, raise your songs,
Now with thankful tongues.
2 Angels bright, angels bright,
Robed in garments pure and white,
Chant His praise, chant His praise,
In melodious lays;
But from that bright, happy throng,
Ne’er can come this sweetest song—
Redeeming love, redeeming love,
Brought us here above.
3 Far away, far away,
We in sin’s dark valley lay;
Jesus came, Jesus came,
Blessèd be His name!
He redeemed us by His grace,
Then prepared in Heaven a place
To receive—to receive
All who will believe.
4 Now we know—now we know
We to Heaven must shortly go;
Soon the call—soon the call
Comes to one and all.
Savior! when our time shall come,
Take us to our heavenly home,
There we’ll raise notes of praise,
Through unending days.