1 Sinner, come, oh, come to Jesus,
Oh, why longer stay away?
He is waiting to receive you,
Change thy darkness into day;
Come with all thy heavy burdens,
Lay them down at Jesus’ feet.
He will fill thy soul with gladness,
And give victory complete.
Blessèd Jesus, loving Savior,
Bless, oh, bless my waiting soul;
I will trust Thee, I will praise thee,
While the endless ages roll.
2 Sin has made thy pathway dreary,
Jesus knows it all full well;
Heavy laden, and so weary,
More than human tongue can tell;
Listen to His tender pleading,
Sinner, turn, why will you die?
Gracious pardon He would give thee,
And a happy home on high. [Refrain]
3 Look away to Calv’ry’s mountain
Where the Savior died for thee,
Opened up the cleansing fountain,
That from sin you may be free—
Peace that passeth understanding,
Joy of Heav’n to earth come down,
Here, an uttermost salvation,
There, a never fading crown. [Refrain]