1 Servant of God, and Son of Man,
Eternal Son of God Most High;
Fulfill the great redeeming plan,
Which brought Thee, Savior, from the sky,
Anointed by Thy Spirit and sealed,
With all His glorious fullness filled.
2 His soul’s delight, His best beloved,
Give us Thyself and Him to know;
The righteousness by God approved,
To us poor sinful Gentiles show;
The righteousness which faith imparts,
Impute, implant it on our hearts.
3 Jesus, for this we still attend,
Thy kingdom in the isles to prove,
The law of sin and death to end,
We wait for all the power of love;
The law of perfect liberty,
The law of life, which is in Thee!
4 O might it now from Thee proceed,
With Thee, into the souls of men;
Throughout the world Thy Gospel spread,
And let Thy glorious Spirit reign,
On all the ransomed race bestowed,
And fill the universe with God.