1 At home and abroad, on life’s battlefield,
Brave soldiers are needed their service to yield
For Jesus who died that all might have life.
Come enter the battle, be bold in the strife.
The trumpet is sounding, we’re off to the fray,
Immanuel’s banner we’ll lift up today.
Then onward, still onward in His name we go,
Till all of His creatures the Lord’s name will know.
2 Our captain is calling for volunteers now,
Let all to His mandates submissively bow;
Not life and not friends let any hold dear
While cries of the needy break out on your ear. [Refrain]
3 Oh, who then will go in the strength of the Lord,
Uplifting His banner, proclaiming His word?
Who will help to redeem dying souls from the grave,
In telling of Jesus, the mighty to save? [Refrain]