8403. Praise Ye The Lord, Let Praise Employ

1 Praise ye the Lord, let praise employ
In His own courts, your songs of joy;
The spacious firmament around
Shall echo back the joyful sound.

2 Recount His works in strains divine,
His wondrous works, how bright they shine!
Praise Him for all His mighty deeds,
Whose greatness all your praise exceeds.

3 Awake the trumpet’s piercing sound,
To spread your sacred pleasure round;
While softer music tunes the lute,
The warbling harp, the breathing flute.

4 Ye virgin train, with joy advance,
To praise Him in the graceful dance;
Awake each voice and strike each string,
And to the solemn organ sing.

5 Let cymbals loud now sound on high
To softer, deeper notes reply;
Harmonious let the concert rise,
And bear the rapture to the skies.

6 Let all whom life and breath inspire
Attend and join the blissful choir;
But chiefly ye who know His Word,
Adore and love and praise the Lord!

Text Information
First Line: Praise ye the Lord, let praise employ
Title: Praise Ye The Lord, Let Praise Employ
Author: Anne Steele
Meter: LM
Language: English
Source: A Collection of Hymns Adapted to Public Worship by John Ash and Caleb Evans (Bristol, England: 1769), alt.
Copyright: Public Domain
Tune Information
Composer: Lowell Mason (1839)
Meter: LM
Key: C Major
Copyright: Public Domain

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