1 O lovely voices of the sky,
That hymned the Savior’s birth,
Are ye not singing still on high,
Who once sang peace on earth?
Still o’er us float those holy strains
Wherewith in days gone by,
Ye blessed the lowly Syrian swain,
O voices of the sky!
2 O clear and shining light, whose beams
A heav’nly radiance shed
Around the palms, and o’er the streams
And on the shepherd’s head;
Be near thro’ life, be near in death,
As in that holiest night
Of hope, of gladness, and of faith,
O clear and shining light.
3 O star, which led’st to Him whose love
Brought down man’s ransom, free,
Thou still art midst the hosts above:
We still may gaze on thee!
In Heav’n thy light doth never set,
Thy rays earth may not dim;
Oh, send them forth to guide us yet,
Bright star which led to Him.