1 Immanuel, we sing Thy praise;
Thou Prince of life! Thou spring of grace!
We worship Thee with one accord,
Thou virgin’s Son! Thou Lord of lords!
2 We join with heav’nly hosts to be
Employed with those who worship Thee;
Since long it hath been our request,
That Thou shouldst come, O welcome Guest!
3 How often, since the world was made,
Have many for Thy coming prayed!
The fathers and the prophets were
Desirous that Thou shouldst appear,
4 With ardent zeal for Thee did look
That king and shepherd of Thy flock,
That man who so well pleasèd Thee
Who worshiped Thee with psaltery.
5 O may the Lord from Zion come,
To break our bands, and take us home
May we relief by Him obtain!
That Jacob may rejoice again.
6 Now, Thou art come, as we have prayed,
And in a stall and manger laid;
The world by Thee is clothed and fed
Thou hast not where to lay Thy head.
7 Thy dwellings are of meanest kind;
Yet all the heavens, they are Thine:
A human breast affords Thee food,
Tho’ angels worship Thee, their God.
8 The seas, they bound at Thy commands,
And Thou art decked with swaddling-bands;
Thou art our God, yet deignst to be
Exposed to want and poverty.
9 Thou art the fount of every bliss,
And yet exposed to great distress:
All nations’ help art Thou alone,
Thou seekest help, but findest none.
10 We praise Thee, O Thou ever blest!
Our praises are to Thee addressed;
If angels join to praise Thy name,
Sure we are bound to do the same.