1 O dear and longed-for Savior,
When wilt Thou come again?
The promise of Thy coming
Awakes one loud "Amen!"
Our hearts so long have waited,
Our eyes so long have strained!
Why tarry so, O chariot,
Why are thy wheels restrained?
Return, Lord Jesus,
Thy chariot wheels run slow!
O hasten Thine appearing,
Thy glory, Thy glory, glory show!
2 Ten thousand hearts are waiting,
Ten thousand faces turn
Up toward the clouds of glory,
Thy movements to discern.
We hearken for the trumpet,
The great archangel’s voice;
Break forth, O grand hosannas!
Let Heav’n and earth rejoice! [Refrain]
3 Is yon unearthly glory,
That steals across the sky,
The marshalling of Thy myriads,
That tells us Thou art nigh?
Our hearts beat high, Lord Jesus,
And our glad spirits rise;
Divide, ye starry heavens,
Reveal Him to our eyes! [Refrain]