1 Loud swell in choral numbers,
The praise of Jesus’ name;
His goodness, truth and mercy
Let young and old proclaim;
Exalt Him, O ye people,
And crown Him, while ye sing,
The Lord of life eternal,
Creator, Savior, King.
"How blessèd are the people
That know the joyful sound,"
Whose strains shall yet be wafted
To earth’s remotest bound.
2 We blend our happy voices,
We lift our hearts above;
We thank our kind protector
For all His tender love;
How bright the year departed,
With blessings passed away;
Loud swell our choral numbers
On this glad, festive day. [Refrain]
3 Hosanna in the highest,
Our grateful song shall be;
Hosanna in the highest,
Our Savior God, to Thee;
And when, with all the ransomed,
Around Thy throne we meet,
We’ll cast our crowns before Thee,
And worship at Thy feet. [Refrain]