1 The winter is coming, is coming
The snowflakes beginning to fall;
White messengers sent from the north winds,
Bring sorrow or gladness to all.
The snow birds in door yards are chirping,
Sweet angels of winter they come;
And bluebirds and red breasted robins
To far away southlands have flown.
2 The last rose of summer is faded,
Petunias and dahlias are gone;
The green tufted garments of summer
Give place to the snowy white gown.
The trees have cast off their green dresses,
Old earth is now shivering and bare;
And everywhere read we the lesson,
For winter’s fierce blast now prepare.
3 The winter of life, too, is coming,
Is coming to you and to me;
When the vigor and action of childhood,
Our portion will nevermore be.
Then work, for life’s winter is coming,
Oh, lay up your treasure in store,
In Jesus’ own heavenly garner,
Where winters are feared nevermore.