1 I come to Thee, I come to Thee!
Thou precious Lamb who died for me;
I rest confiding in Thy Word,
And "cast my burden on the Lord."
I come to Thee with all my grief,
Dear Savior, help my unbelief;
Thy blessèd name, my only plea,
With this, O Lord, I come to Thee!
2 I come to Thee, whose sovereign power
Can cheer me in the darkest hour;
I come to Thee, thro’ storm and shade—
For Thou hast said, "Be not afraid."
I come to Thee with all my tears,
My pain and sorrow, doubts and fears;
Thou precious Lamb, who died for me,
I come to Thee, I come to Thee!
3 To Thee my trembling spirit flies,
When faith grows weak, and comfort dies,
I bow adoring at Thy feet,
And hold with Thee communion sweet—
O wondrous love! O joy divine!
To feel Thee near and call Thee mine!
Thou precious Lamb, who died for me,
I come to Thee, I come to Thee.