1 Brood not o’er the sinful past,
Come to Him, be not downcast,
Seek His shelter from the blast
Even now;
What tho’ thou hast shunned Him long,
Oh, His love’s enduring, strong;
Sing today redemption’s song
Even now.
Even now He calls for thee;
He is pleading tenderly;
Ye heavy laden, come to Me;
Even now, yes, even now.
2 He the sinner will receive,
Rest and comfort He will give,
Lo! He bids thee rise and live
Even now;
Tho’ the clouds have o’er thee rolled,
Wand’rer in the dark and cold,
He will lead thee to the fold
Even now. [Refrain]
3 Though thy sins be dark as night,
He will cleanse thee pure and white,
Leave the paths of woe and blight
Even now;
Hasten, ere it be too late;
O, accept Him, do not wait;
Wide for thee He sets the gate
Even now. [Refrain]