1 Bring in the children, oh, bring them in—
Teach them to turn from the highways of sin;
Lead their young feet in the paths of God—
Point them the way which the Savior trod;
Christ may be waiting to welcome them there,
Waiting to crown them with jewels so rare;
Waiting to bless them and guard them from sin—
Heed then the message, and bring them in.
2 Turn not away from a garment torn—
Under the tatters God’s image is worn;
Into the house of the undefiled
We may not enter unless as a child;
Bring in the children for Jesus to hold—
He will embrace them as often of old;
He will enrich them with blessings so rare—
Bring them to Jesus, His love to share.
3 Hark! blessèd words: oh, “Forbid them not,”
Come they from hovel, or palace or cot;
But if a blessing from Jesus you’d win,
Go through the byways, and bring them in.
Sympathy soonest will enter the heart,
Causing the teardrops of kindness to start;
Gather them in to the temple of prayer,
So in His kingdom bright crowns they’ll wear.