16350. Peace, Be Still

1 O I love to tell my Father
All the tri­als of the way,
For He al­ways give me comfort,
And He wipes the tears away;
And the bur­dens all grow light­er
As I hear Him soft­ly stay,
"Peace, be still."

O I love to talk it ov­er
With my Father day by day,
For a ho­ly peace my spir­it seems to fill.
And it makes me ve­ry hap­py
When I hear Him soft­ly say,
"Peace, be still."

2 O I love to tell my Fa­ther
When my wea­ry soul would rest,
For the sweet­ness of His pre­sence
Soon is felt with­in my breast;
And my weak­ness quick­ly leaves me
When I hear the words ex­pressed,
"Peace, be still." [Refrain]

3 O I love to tell my Father
When I suf­fer pain or loss,
For He glo­ri­fies the pa­tience
That can meek­ly bear a cross,
And the bless­ings lost seem on­ly
Dross when He is speak­ing thus:
"Peace, be still." [Refrain]

4 O I love to tell my Fa­ther,
As He stills the stor­my sea,
Of my long­ing for the ha­rbor
And the man­sion there for me;
And it seems to bring it near­er
When He ut­ters His de­cree,
"Peace, be still." [Refrain]

Text Information
First Line: O I love to tell my Father
Title: Peace, Be Still
Author: William Clark Martin (1912)
Refrain First Line: O I love to talk it ov­er
Language: English
Source: Songs of the Cross by Rufus H. Cornelius (Fort Worth, TX: R. H. Cornelius, 1924)
Copyright: Public Domain
Tune Information
Name: [O I love to tell my Father]
Composer: Rufus Henry Cornelius
Key: G Major or modal
Copyright: Public Domain

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