16331. Forward Into Service

1 Thou dost call to ser­vice,
Jesus, we will heed;
Lead Thou, we will fol­low,
Faith be­get­ting deed.
Fill us with Thy Spir­it,
With Thy love and might,
Let our whole en­dea­vor,
Be for truth and right.

We are Thy dis­ci­ples,
Loyal we would be;
Keep us in our ser­vice,
Master, true to Thee.

2 Heavy hearts around us
Need our help and cheer,
Service calls are sounding—
Make us quick to hear.
Grant us clear­er vi­sion
Helpful work to see;
Readiness to an­swer,
"Here am I, send me!" [Refrain]

3 Forward in­to ser­vice
Joyously we go,
Knowing Thou will sure­ly
Needed strength be­stow;
Using ev­ery ta­lent
In Thy best em­ploy,
May we find in ser­vice,
Fullness of Thy joy. [Refrain]

Text Information
First Line: Thou dost call to ser­vice
Title: Forward Into Service
Author: Howard B. Grose
Meter: 65.65.65 D
Language: English
Source: The Endeavor Hymnal (Boston: United Society of Christian Endeavor, 1901)
Copyright: Public Domain
Tune Information
Composer: Frank Leslie Stone (1901)
Meter: 65.65.65 D
Key: D♭ Major
Copyright: Public Domain

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