16329. Now Be The God Of Israel Blessed

1 Now be the God of Is­ra­el blessed,
Who makes Hi s truth ap­pear;
His migh­ty hand ful­fills His Word,
And all the oaths He sware.

2 Now He be­dews old Da­vid’s Root
With bless­ings from the skies;
He makes the Branch of Pro­mise grow,
The pro­mised Horn arise.

3 John was a pro­phet of the Lord,
To go before His face;
The herald which our Savior God
Sent to pre­pare His way.

4 He makes the great sal­va­tion known,
He speaks of par­doned sins;
While grace di­vine, and heav’n­ly love,
In its own glo­ry shines.

5 "Behold the Lamb of God," He cries,
“That takes our guilt away:
I saw the Spir­it o’er His head
On His bap­tiz­ing day.

6 “Be ev­ery vale ex­alt­ed high,
Sink ev­ery mount­ain low;
The proud must stoop, and hum­ble souls
Shall His sal­va­tion know.

7 “The hea­then realms with Is­ra­el’s land
Shall join in sweet ac­cord;
And all that’s born of man shall see
The glo­ry of the Lord.

8 "Behold the Morn­ing-Star arise,
Ye that in dark­ness sit;
He marks the path that leads to peace,
And guides our doubt­ful feet."

Text Information
First Line: Now be the God of Is­ra­el blessed
Title: Now Be The God Of Israel Blessed
Author: Isaac Watts
Meter: CM
Language: English
Source: Hymns and Spiritual Songs 1707
Copyright: Public Domain
Notes: Alternate tunes: ES KOMMT EIN SCHIFF, EVAN by Wiliam H. Havergal, FAR AND NEAR by Johann K. Spazier
Tune Information
Composer: Anthony Johnson Showalter (1883)
Meter: CM
Key: C Major
Copyright: Public Domain

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