16280. To Thee Whose Eye All Nature Owns

1 To Thee whose eye all nature owns,
Who hurlest dynasts from their thrones
And liftest those of low estate
We sing, with her men consecrate!

2 Yea, Great and Good, Thee, Thee, we hail,
Who shakes the strong, who shields the frail,
Who had not shaped such souls as we
If tender mercy lacked in Thee!

3 Though times be when the mortal moan
Seems unascending to Thy throne,
Though seers do not as yet explain
Why suffering sobs to Thee in vain;

4 We hold that Thy unscanted scope
Affords a food for final hope,
That mild-eyed Prescience ponders nigh
Life’s loom, to lull it by-and-by.

5 Therefore we choir to highest height
The loving will, the kindly might
That balances the vast for weal,
That purges us by wounds to heal.

6 The systemed suns the skies enscroll
Obey Thee in their rhythmic roll,
Ride radiantly at Thy command,
Are darkened by Thy master hand!

7 And these pale panting multitudes
Seen surging here, their moils, their moods,
All shall fulfill their joy in Thee,
In Thee abide eternally!

8 Exultant adoration give
To Thee, through whom all living live,
To Thee, in whom all dying die,
Whose means the end shall justify!

Text Information
First Line: To Thee whose eye all nature owns
Title: To Thee Whose Eye All Nature Owns
Author: Thomas Hardy
Meter: LM
Language: English
Source: Songs of Praise by Percy Dearmer, Ralph Vaughan Williams, and Martin F. Shaw (London: Oxford University Press, 1925)
Copyright: Public Domain
Tune Information
Meter: LM
Key: c minor or modal
Source: "The Agincourt Song," 1415

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