1 I will sing hallelujah, for there’s joy in the Lord,
And He fills my heart with rapture as I rest on His word;
I will trust in His promise, I will shout “I am free”;
In my blessèd loving Savior I have sweet victory.
There is joy in the Lord, there is joy in the Lord;
Hallelujah, glory, glory, there is joy in the Lord.
There is joy in the Lord, there is joy in the Lord;
Hallelujah, glory, glory, there is joy in the Lord
2 I will live for the Savior, I am His evermore,
I am resting in His favor, I am safe and secure;
For the light shining brighter on my path every day,
Cheers my happy soul with rapture as I walk in the way. [Refrain]
3 When I reach Heaven’s portals in that land of the blest,
I shall sing with holy angels of that rest, happy rest;
I shall dwell there forever with my Lord and my king,
And with everlasting praises make those high arches ring. [Refrain]