1 I think, when I read the sweet story,
How Jesus came down from His throne,
To rescue the perishing sinner,
To suffer and die for His own;
Why should He assume my oblation?
Why should He thus purchase salvation?
Such love is divine revelation,
Unbounded, unmeasured, unknown.
Oh, it is wonderful that He should love me,
And for my sins with His lifeblood atone!
Oh, it is wonderful! Wonderful! wonderful!
Yet to the world be it known,
He brought me again to His own.
2 And when I am foll’wing his footsteps,
New visions of beauty unfold,
Till, lost in the depths of amazement,
I marvel such love to behold.
Why should He relinquish His glory?
Before Him stood Calvary gory!
Yet Heaven resounds with the story
Of love that can never be told. [Refrain]
3 Tho’ hated, despised and rejected,
Neglected again and again,
He never deserts or forsakes me,
No matter how wayward I’ve been.
My burden of sorrow He shareth,
My stripes of iniquity weareth,
My soul in His bosom he beareth,
This wonderful Savior of men. [Refrain]