1 Joy of joys! He lives, He lives,
Jesus, who salvation gives!
Rising in the early gloom,
Lo! His glory fills the tomb;
All the earthly guards are fled,
From the mansion of the Dead.
Listen, for the angels say,
"See the place where Jesus lay."
2 Enter, if ye seek for Him!
There the light shall not be dim;
At His head, and at His feet,
Mark the clothes and winding sheet,
All in sacred order seen,
In the grave where Christ has been;
So He left it, all was done,
Ere the rising of the sun.
3 Earth was trembling—Jesus rose,
Calmly passing through His foes;
Death hath no dominion now,
Captain of Salvation, Thou!
Jesus, Conqueror of the grave,
Jesus, Master, strong to save,
Teach our hearts th’unearthly bliss
Of a purer world than this!
4 Bid the powers of darkness fly,
For the morn is drawing nigh;
Show to us the shining way,
Us, the children of the day;
Onward, onward, in the road
Radiant with the light of God,
God the Father and the Son,
And the Spirit, ever one.