1 Blessed Savior, lead us gently
Thro’ the rugged paths of life;
Lead us thro’ the vale of shadows,
From this world of sin and strife.
Lead us, Jesus, thro’ the shadows
To that bright eternal life;
Lead us thro’ the vale of shadows,
From this world of sin and strife.
2 Blessed Savior, meek and lowly,
Thou art ever good and true;
Lead us to that world of glory,
To that home beyond the blue.
Lead us, Jesus, thro’ the shadows
To that home forever new;
Lead us to that world of glory,
To that home beyond the blue.
3 Blessed Savior, thou art willing
To forgive us all our wrong;
Lead us to that blessèd kingdom,
To that home where angels throng.
Lead us, Jesus, thro’ the shadows
Lead us, Lord, ’twill not be long;
Lead us to that blessèd kingdom
To that home where angels throng.
4 Lead us gently thro’ the shadows,
Thro’ this world of toil and strife;
Lead us to that world of sunshine
And an everlasting life.
Lead us, Jesus, thro’ the shadows
To that bright eternal life;
Lead us to that world of sunshine
And an everlasting life.