1 Workers in the Master’s vineyard,
Toilsome though the way may be,
Scatter, early morn and evening,
Far and wide the precious seed.
In the byways and the hedges,
On the narrow, crowded street,
You may drop a word of welcome,
For the Savior’s coming feet.
Crowns and stars await thy coming,
Over on the golden shore,
Precious fruits of thine own sowing,
When thine earthly work is o’er.
2 Smiling lips and tearful eyelids;
Gentle words and simple song,
Oft, perhaps, by thee unheeded,
Fall in blessings on the throng.
Hearts that pine in sin and sorrow,
Blighted sore by care and want,
May be led, by love and kindness,
To the ever healing fount. [Refrain]
3 Heart and voice may ofttimes fail thee,
Faith may waver, hope may die;
God has promised to go with thee,
Work and trust, He’s ever nigh.
Crown and stars await thy coming,
Over on the golden shore.
Precious fruits of thine own sowing,
When thine earthly work is o’er. [Refrain]