1 Sometimes my heart is sad and heavy,
Dark seems the way;
Then many doubts and fears assail me,
Hope sheds no cheering ray.
Hark! I hear a voice so sweetly
Whisp’ring in my ear,
I’ll guard and guide thee on thy pathway;
Trust Me and do not fear.
2 Sometimes I faint beneath my burdens,
Heavy to bear;
Sometimes I long to rest forever,
Free from each earthly care.
Hark! again that voice, so tender,
Calms my troubled breast;
"Come unto Me, thou heavy laden,
And I will give you rest."
3 So I go on my way rejoicing,
Happy and blest;
I trust alone in Christ, my Savior,
Who giveth peace and rest.
Hark! that voice of blest assurance,
Comes again to me,
"In perfect peace Thou’lt ever keep him
Whose mind is stayed on Thee."