1 To the Bible I’ll be true—I will love and live it, too,
Tho’ the worldly wise shall scoff its every claim;
I have found a full salvation in the Spirit’s revelation
Of the virgin-born Redeemer—bless His name!
I am one who will not be moved;
I am one who will not be moved;
Tho’ the billows may rage about me;
I shall not be moved.
2 For my sins Christ did atone—I am trusting Him alone,
And I know that He will keep me to the end;
Naught from Him my heart can sever,
I will love and serve Him ever,
And His cause and truth with courage I’ll defend. [Refrain]
3 Tho’ we find on every hand those who for Him will not stand,
Who would bring discord and doubt within the fold;
We will not be disconcerted, from the path of right diverted,
And the banner of His truth we will uphold. [Refrain]