1 Christ the Lord cometh? perchance at the dawn,
Where earth awaketh to welcome the morn;
Hath He not told us the hour draweth near;
Watching and ready, His summons to hear?
Jesus is coming! we know not how soon,
Coming at midnight, at morning or noon;
Evening may bring Him to bear us away;
For Him I’m watching and waiting each day.
2 Christ the Lord cometh? earth’s evening may bring
Back to His vineyard our Savior and King;
Death shall be conquered and sin overthrown
When He returneth to gather His own. [Refrain]
3 Christ the Lord cometh? man knoweth not when,
But when ye think not He cometh again;
To all found watching He bringeth no fear,
Never a shadow, a parting, a tear. [Refrain]