1 "Glory to God! Peace on the earth!
Good will to men!" sang the angels above;
Glory to God! Peace on the earth!
Good will to men—sound the chorus of love!
Bright dawns the morning, when Heav’n is so near;
Sweet be our anthem, for Jesus is here;
Come, let us sing—sing of His grace,
Grateful thanksgivings shall utter His praise.
2 Praise ye the Lord! Lift to His name
High hallelujahs from each happy voice;
Strike loud the chord! Praise ye the Lord!
Let every soul in His glory rejoice!
Oh for a strain such as angels repeat,
When the redeemed cast their crowns at His feet;
"Worthy the Lamb! once He was slain,
Now on His throne He is reigning again!"
3 O Christ of God! risen and crowned!
Come with Thy presence, Thy Spirit impart!
Come with Thy love! Come with Thy power!
Breathe on our souls, and enrich every heart!
Sad were Thy sufferings, shameful Thy cross,
Sharing our punishment, bearing our loss;
Now, Lord of all, Thee we adore!
Bring we our souls to be Thine evermore