1 I was once out of Jesus,
I knocked, He let me in;
He knew that I was hungry,
And sick with inward sin.
To me He offered plenty,
I coldly turned away;
I thought ’twas all forgiveness,
O then I could not say—
He saves me, He saves me,
From every stain of sin;
And now I rest in Canaan,
And Jesus dwells within.
2 But O, the love of Jesus,
He knew my grief and pain,
And sent a blessed angel
To turn me back again;
And now I’m feasting with Him,
My Savior and my king,
And filled with holy rapture,
I love to shout and sing— [Refrain]
3 How can I tell for Jesus,
His wondrous love to me,
That saved me from destruction,
And set my nature free;
These lips of mine are human
And cannot half express
His tender love and pleading,
But gladly I confess— [Refrain]