1 Only a broken heart, Savior, I bring,
While to Thy blessed cross helpless I cling;
There in Thy name I wait, pleading with Thee;
O, my Redeemer, save, save Thou me.
2 Only a broken heart, I have no more;
Lord, may I enter in? Thou art the door;
Where can I go for rest, where but to Thee?
O, my Redeemer, save, save Thou me.
3 Only a broken heart, yet I believe;
Only a broken heart Thou wilt receive;
Thou in Thy word dost call lost ones to Thee;
O, my Redeemer, save, save Thou me.
4 Lord, to Thy promise now faith lifts mine eyes;
Thou my poor broken heart will not despise;
Take then the gift I bring on bended knee;
O, my Redeemer, save, save Thou me.