1 "Give me thy heart," the sweet words fall
Like whispered music on the ear;
"Give me thy heart," the pleading call
Floats like a harp-note soft and clear.
"Give me thy heart," "Give me thy heart."
2 And when the noontide scatters ’round,
Its golden tints, its richest hues,
Then, then is heard the self-same sound,
"Give me thy heart," do not refuse.
"Give me thy heart," "Give me thy heart."
3 O, ’tis the Lord who speaks to thee
So kindly. Canst thou from Him stay?
He woos thee yet more tenderly,
"Give me thy heart," without delay.
4 Give God thy heart, be His alone;
Love, work and watch and strive and pray
That when His will in thee is done,
That heart already His, shall say—"
"Take Thou Thine own," "Take Thou Thine own.