1 Rouse thee, soul, the day is fleeting;
Look, life’s sands are almost run;
Twilight shades the earth are greeting,
And the stars shine one by one.
Rouse thee now, go forth to battle,
List, the foeman’s tramp is near;
Hear ye not the war-whoop’s rattle
Marshalling both van and rear?
Then awake, then awake,
Then awake, put on thy strength, O Zion,
Rouse thee now to arms,
Fear no dread alarms, Zion, awake.
2 Round thee (as the walls of Zion,
Do the holy city stand,)
Israel’s Chieftain—Judah’s Lion,
Stretches forth His saving hand;
Who shall harm thee—who defeat thee,
Who shall triumph o’er thy fall,
While the Lord of lords shall greet thee,
And ye answer to His call? [Refrain]
3 See salvation’s standard flaunting
Proudly o’er the clash and din,
With her bulwarks round thee vaunting
And defiant hosts of sin;
Israel, rally—never falter,
Forward press in steady line,
God hath promised—He’ll not alter—
Thou shalt conquer, thou art Mine. [Refrain]