1 Faces bright, with delight,
Greet the smiling morn;
Voices raise, songs of praise,
Winter’s hour is gone.
Silver shower, bring the flowers,
Full of fragrance rare,
Now is heard, song of bird,
Thro’ the summer air.
Singing, singing, God the Father reigns;
Praise Him, praise Him, for His loving care;
Ringing, ringing, o’er the grassy plain,
Songs are swelling everywhere.
2 Nature tells, all is well,
God the Father reigns;
Dark or light, fair or bright,
Constant He remains;
And His love, from above,
Round us e’er shall rest;
Trust in Him, only Him,
He knows what is best. [Refrain]
3 Summer flowers, in their bowers,
Trust in God alone;
So may we, joyous, free,
Seek His royal throne.
There to pray, every day,
For the faith that lives;
For we know, as we go,
Such He freely gives. [Refrain]