1 Hail, Easter Day! glad with His love,
Bringing bright visions of Heaven above;
Sad hearts rejoice: Why do you weep?
Jesus our Savior is only asleep.
For us He suffered, the sinless and pure,
Glad for our sakes bitter pain to endure.
Hail, Easter Day! forth from the grave
Rose the dear Jesus, a lost world to save.
2 Hail, Easter Day! beautiful, bright,
Breaking in glory through earth’s dreary night;
Bells of the morn ring clear and strong,
Turning our silence to jubilant song.
Waken from slumber! O, crown Him the King!
From the dark tomb peace and life doth He bring.
Hail, Easter Day! incense most sweet
Gladly His children lay down at His feet.
3 Hail, Easter Day! Victor is He,
Broken the power of death now shall be;
Angels of light, joyful proclaim
Glory and honor and praise to His name.
Jesus has risen, He reigns evermore;
Happy and free, our blest Lord we adore.
Hail, Easter Day! life’s welcome spring,
Jesus, the mighty, our Jesus is King!