1 Just as a little tired child
Seeks rest upon its mother’s knee,
Worn out with care and striving oft,
Dear Lord, I come to Thee:
Worn out with care and striving oft,
Dear Lord, I come to Thee.
2 From all my worldly cares, my sins,
How tempted am I oft to flee;
So with the grievous, heavy load,
Dear Lord, I come to Thee:
So with the grievous, heavy load,
Dear Lord, I come to Thee.
3 For if Thou dost not take away
The sting, the pain, the misery,
Thou yet will help me bear them all,
Dear Lord, I come to Thee:
Thou yet will help me bear them all,
Dear Lord, I come to Thee.
4 If best for me—Thou knowest best—
I know that Thou wilt hear my plea,
Wilt bear my burdens, give me rest,
Dear Lord, I come to Thee:
Wilt bear my burdens, give me rest,
Dear Lord, I come to Thee.