1 When my last hour is close at hand,
My last sad journey taken,
Do Thou, Lord Jesus! by me stand,
Let me not be forsaken.
O Lord, my spirit I resign
Into Thy loving hands divine;
’Tis safe within Thy keeping.
2 Countless as sands upon the shore,
My sins may then appall me;
Yet, though my conscience vex me sore,
Despair shall not enthrall me:
For as I draw my latest breath,
I’ll think, Lord Christ, upon Thy death,
And there find consolation.
3 I shall not in the grave remain,
Since Thou death’s bonds hast severed;
But hope with Thee to rise again,
From fear of death delivered,
For where Thou art, there I shall be.
That I may ever live with Thee:
This is my joy in dying.
4 And so to Jesus Christ I’ll go,
My longing arms extending;
So fall asleep in slumber deep,
Slumber that knows no ending,
Till Jesus Christ, God’s only Son,
Opens the gates of bliss, leads on
To Heaven, to life eternal.