1 There is One whom I love, who has placed me here,
That for Him I might sing words of love and cheer.
May I then be faithful to the work thus giv’n.
And of Him be approved, and that shall be heav’n:
And of Him be approved, and that shall be heav’n.
2 Since His will is revealed in His written word,
He commands that I walk with my loving Lord.
O may I faithful be to His word alway,
Walk with Him, trusting Him thro’ the night and day;
Walk with Him, trusting Him thro’ the night and day.
3 Then will I do His will as to me revealed,
Nor to doubt nor despair shall I ever yield,
But to Him ever go, should I be distressed,
Knowing well I shall find comfort there and rest;
Knowing well I shall find comfort there and rest.