1 Ye saints of the Lord, rejoice and be glad,
Jesus is coming again;
Lift up your hearts, for why are you sad?
Jesus is coming again.
He’s coming to claim His own chosen Bride,
Jesus is coming again;
With Him forever we then shall abide,
Jesus is coming again.
2 O’ercomers in Jesus, hark the glad sound,
Jesus is coming again;
Oh, vict’ry is yours, the angels resound,
Jesus is coming again.
The blood of the Lamb our watchword shall be,
Jesus is coming again;
From sin and the world you soon shall be free,
Jesus is coming again.
3 Ye servants of sin, bewail your sad state,
Jesus is coming again;
Your cry for peace will then be too late,
Jesus is coming again.
His power and glory all eyes shall behold,
Jesus is coming again;
O, sinner, make haste, now flee to the fold,
Jesus is coming again.
4 Ye servants of Christ, now arm for the fight,
Jesus is coming again;
Put on the whole armor and stand in His might,
Jesus is coming again;
The harvest is ripe, the lab’rers are few,
Jesus is coming again;
He’s calling for me, He’s calling for you;
Jesus is coming again.