1 Just beyond life’s weary labor,
Just beyond this world of care,
Lies a fair and wondrous city
Which the faithful all may share.
In that blest and happy country
Shall be heard no voice of woe
And we’ll meet our sleeping loved ones,
"Loved and lost so long ago."
2 There the flow’rs are fadeless ever
There the gentle breezes blow;
There we’ll rest from toils and trials
Where life’s waters softly flow.
Just beyond are crowns of glory,
Harps of gold and robes of white.
These are waiting for the faithful
Where there is no death nor night.
3 Burdened with earth’s many sorrows
Oft I cry, "How long to wait
Till those glories be my portion?
When will open life’s fair gate?"
Angel voices to me whisper,
"Soon will earth’s dark night be o’er,
Soon will come earth’s great Deliverer,
Soon we’ll rest on that blest shore."