1 The Book of the ages, the oldest, the new;
We love thee, thy precepts, thy sayings so true;
Sweet light and assurance thy radiance leave,
And comfort in sorrow to those who believe.
2 Our fathers did love thee, thou blest sacred Book;
Thy words were their counsel, of thee they partook;
In seasons of anguish, ’mid fagot and flame,
Thy promise sustained them, they honored thy name.
3 Dear Bible, thy pages our God doth reveal,
Thy wonderful Gospel hath power to heal;
We read on thy pages of God’s love to man,
Salvation provided through Jesus’ dear name.
4 And now, blessèd Bible, our lamp thou shalt be,
To guide us all safely o’er life’s rugged sea;
And when to the haven of rest we shall come,
We’ll sing of thy worth with the ransomed at home.