1 Shall we walk along life’s journey,
Thro’ the shadows of the night,
On an arm of flesh relying,
Trusting only human might?
No, the promised help of Jesus
Shall sustain us day by day;
In the battle’s wild commotion,
Thro’ the fierceness of the fray.
2 Shall we see the loved and cherished
Passing from us by the way?
And the aching hearts so weary,
Find no solace day by day?
Yet, the promised help of Jesus
Shall sustain us even then;
Thro’ His grace, which crowned them victors,
We shall meet them all again.
3 Shall we walk ’mid gathering shadows,
When life’s evening draweth near?
Shall the darkness be unbroken,
Will no light for us appear?
Then the promised help of Jesus
As a light shall guide us o’er
To the pure celestial city,
Over on the other shore.