1 In the awful day that’s coming,
When Heaven’s trump shall sound,
And call the world to judgment,
Oh, where shall we be found?
Shall we cry for rocks and mountains
To hide us in that day,
From Him who comes in glory,
With all His bright array?
2 The Lord is coming shortly,
According to His word,
Taking vengeance on the wicked,
And them that know not God:
Oh, who shall then be able
In that awful day to stand?
Thou shalt be no longer steward,
Will be the stern command.
3 Shall we begin to tremble,
While looking on that sight,
And take our march in anguish,
Down to eternal night?
Oh, what an awful picture!
To some it will come true;
And oh, my brother, sister,
Shall it be I or you?
4 Oh, souls, be up and doing,
We have no time to lose;
There’s life and death before us—
Oh, which one will you choose?
Then let us all take warning,
And heed the Savior’s call,
Be robed in white adorning,
Then we’ll be ready, all.