1 Sinner, didst thou hear it? ’tis the Savior’s call,
Standing, knocking, waiting, Christ, the Lord of all;
Seeking for an entrance in that heart of thine,
Pleading to transform thee by His grace divine.
Standing, knocking, waiting, hear His gentle voice;
’Tis the Savior calling, make today your choice.
2 Tender is His accent, winning is His tone,
Standing, knocking, waiting, wants thee for a son.
Father’s house of mansions, beautiful and fair,
Stands in grandeur waiting, He would sup you there. [Refrain]
3 Oh, canst thou refuse Him, knocking day by day?
Standing, knocking, waiting, yield without delay;
Yes, the Lord Almighty, humbled in the dust,
Beggeth thee as sovereign, "Take Me as thy guest." [Refrain]