1 The sun will never set in Summer-land;
No eyes with tears are wet in Summer-land;
No shade of darkening night will shut the view from sight,
Nor e’er becloud the light, in Summer-land.
2 No one will lose the way in Summer-land;
Nor ever go astray in Summer-land;
No mountain hard to climb, yet all is grand, sublime,
With endless summer clime, in Summer-land.
3 No sickness is the theme in Summer-land;
For health doth reign supreme in Summer-land;
The air is bracing pure, the fare doth life secure,
And no one needs a cure, in Summer-land.
4 No death is ever known in Summer-land;
For Life is on the throne in Summer-land;
No mourning for the dead, no heavy hearts, like lead,
But endless joy instead, in Summer-land.