Text:Sinners, The Call Obey
Author (attributed to):Charles Wesley
Composer:Lowell Mason
Media:MIDI file

11451. Sinners, The Call Obey

1 Sinners, the call obey,
The latest call of grace;
The day is come, the vengeful day,
Of a devoted race:
Devils and men combine
To plague the faithless seed,
And vials full of wrath divine
Are bursting on your head.

2 Enter into the Rock,
Ye trembling slaves of sin,
The Rock of your salvation, struck,
And cleft to take you in:
To shelter the distressed
He did the cross endure;
O enter in the clefts, and rest
In Jesus’ wounds secure.

3 Who would not fear the Lord,
Such glorious majesty!
His justice stern hath drawn the sword:
To His compassion flee;
He comes to vengeance take,
He comes His wrath to show;
He rises terribly to shake
The drowsy world below.

4 See how His meteors glare!
(The tokens understand)
See famine, pestilence and war
Hang o’er a guilty land!
Signs in the heavens see,
And hear the speaking rod;
O sinner, judgment points to Thee,
Prepare to meet thy God!

5 Terrible God! and true,
Thy justice we confess,
Thy sorest plagues are all our due,
We own our wickedness;
Worthy of death and hell,
Thee in Thy judgments meet:
But lo! we to Thy grace appeal,
And crowd Thy mercy seat.

6 Jesus, to Thee we fly
From the devouring sword!
Our city of defense is high,
Our help is in the Lord:
Or if the scourge o’erflow,
And laugh at innocence,
Thine everlasting arms, we know,
Shall be our soul’s defense.

7 We in Thy Word believe,
And in Thy promise stay:
Our life, which still to Thee we give,
Shall be us to a prey:
Our life with Thee we hide
Above the furious blast,
And sheltered in Thy wounds abide,
Till all the storm is past.

8 Believing against hope,
We hang upon Thy grace,
Through every lowering cloud look up,
And wait for happy days;
The days when all shall know
Their sins in Christ forgiven,
And walk awhile with God below,
And then fly up to Heaven.

Text Information
First Line: Sinners, the call obey
Title: Sinners, The Call Obey
Author (attributed to): Charles Wesley
Meter: SMD
Language: English
Source: Hymns for Times of Trouble and Persecution by John and Charles Wesley (London: Strahan, 1744)
Copyright: Public Domain
Tune Information
Composer: Lowell Mason (1843)
Meter: SMD
Key: A Major
Copyright: Public Domain

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MIDI file: Midi
Noteworthy Composer score: Noteworthy Composer Score
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